I know you must be tired of all the non-stop coverage of the NHL playoffs (set to begin tonight) but I thought I'd throw my two cents into the mix.
Your Boston Bruins defied the odds and earned the No. 8 seed in the Eastern Conference. Their reward (if you are the sarcastic type) is facing the top-seed Montreal Canadiens, who most believe are going to curb stomp the B's.
It's been four seasons (where has the time gone?) since Boston was in the playoffs and ironically enough Montreal was the last team they faced in the postseason. The tables were turned back in the glorious '03-'04 season. Boston was the top seed but they choked big time and lost in the first round to Le Canadiens.
Patrice Bergeron-the Bruins most talented offensive player-who missed most of the season is supposed to come back for game 2. Marc Savard missed the last few weeks but he's expected back as well. What does it all mean? Probably nothing.
Most likely, Boston will go out in four or five games, never to be heard from again. Ok, that's a little bit harsh. Until October.
The bigger question: what do the Bruins have to do to gain some attention in this town? Short of having their ice girls be naked, all the time, I don't know. They'd have to beat Montreal and get to at least the Eastern Conference finals. Maybe even the Stanley Cup finals. Easy enough right?
The sad reality is that the Bruins and the NHL are fading away into the abyss of the sports landscape. Youth hockey, high school hockey and college hockey are still very popular winter sports in the Northeast. The NHL product is just so dull, on tv or in person. I will say that the Stanley Cup playoffs are usually somewhat interesting since the games are so intense, but if I haven't watched all season, how am I going to get into it now?
Uh, go Bruins!
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