All 3 of us grew up in a suburb of Northeastern Philly. For those of you unfamiliar with that specific area, you're not alone. The northeast has never quite had any traits or characteristics that could be identified as being a unique part of the city. The white trash? Go to Kensington. Culture? We once had a Crazy Eddie's...
But that's all changed with the advent of GAMBLING in Philly Park! This is the same semi-famed park Smarty Jones came from, so since it couldn't go down in history as the home to a triple crown winner, its now the place where the dreams of hitting a triple 7 on a slot machine will be crushed along with all the other trifecta betting tickets of so many creepy, creepy old pedophiles. And if that's not enough to get you to make your way down the boulevard, look! It's skanky waitresses!!!! This will surely put us on the map. And if there's one table game I'd want to see, I'd want the game where you can bet on the ethnicity of the broad on the far right.
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